The Best Beginner Barre Workouts from Physique 57

If you’re new to Physique 57, welcome! We are so happy you’re here! We know it can feel intimidating jumping into a new workout class. If the thought runs through your mind, “Does everyone know what they’re doing but me?” trust us, we’ve all been there. 

First thing’s first, be proud of yourself for trying something new. It’s so powerful to get out of your comfort zone, and just by being here, you’re doing something amazing for yourself!

Also know that we have your back, and we’re here to help you feel confident and strong. Physique 57 welcomes everyone at all stages in their fitness journey. So, whether you’re new to working out altogether, new to barre, or getting back into it after a break, we’ve got you.

We have routines designed specifically for beginners where we teach you the fundamentals and get you comfortable with the moves. These workouts are beginner friendly while also being challenging and fun! 

We’re sharing some of our favorite at-home beginner barre workouts to kickstart your journey. You’ll be a pro in no time! 

Our Favorite Programs & Workouts for Beginners:

Physique 57 Collection Rentals: 

With our Collection Rentals, you can kickstart your fitness journey with easy-to-follow programs.

Accelerate To Great Program 

This 4-week program is designed specifically to help you hit the gas and rev up your workout routine. It comes with a downloadable calendar that lays out exactly what to do each day. The workouts target your total body, so you’ll sculpt from head to toe. By the end of the 4 weeks, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident at the barre!

Try Accelerate To Great here

Physique 57 Video On Demand: 

We created a special category on our On Demand platform called Great for Beginners just for you! Check it out here

Any of these routines are an amazing place to start. Here are a few of our favorites: 

Barre 101 Series

This collection of short videos teaches you the fundamentals of our most common moves and positions. It’s the perfect way to perfect your form. 

Sculpt: Classic 57 with Morgan and Torrey

This full-body 57-minute routine gets back to the basics and teaches you form techniques. 

Sculpt: Cardio Confident with Jennifer

This 30-minute cardio workout will get your body moving, your heart rate up, and energize you. 

Sculpt: Thighs and Glutes with Morgan and Torrey 

You’ll fire up your lower body and get your legs shaking in this quick 20-minute routine. 

Sculpt: Arms with Christina J

This 10-minute beginner-level upper body workout targets your beautiful biceps and triceps. 

Looking for more? 

 You can find hundreds of On Demand routines to choose from on our Video On Demand platform!