Best Free Barre Workouts: 14 Days to a Stronger, Leaner You

Kickstart your fitness journey and experience the transformative power of barre in 14 days with the best free barre workout videos from Physique 57!

Are you ready to transform your fitness routine with the best online barre workouts? Dive into the ultimate barre experience with a 14-day free pass with Physique 57, where exercise becomes a transformative experience.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to ignore the influence a devoted workout regimen can have on our entire well-being.

But no need to fret!

Sculpt, tone, and energize your body with Physique 57’s dynamic approach to barre workouts! This is more than just a workout pass; it’s an opportunity to push your limits and see results while being guided by the expertise of Physique 57.

Join us as we uncover a world of fitness possibilities and discover the thrill and satisfaction of a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Take the first step—your 14-day free workout pass with Physique 57 is waiting for you.

Getting Started with Barre Workouts

To kickstart your fitness journey, visit our website at

This is your starting point for a variety of energizing and transformative workouts created by Physique 57. And it’s more than just a website, it’s your virtual fitness and wellness haven!

You can also download our Physique 57 app for a more streamlined experience. Our app ensures that you can access your workouts anytime and anywhere.

On the go? No sweat! Download your workouts to access them even without an internet connection.

Plus, you can stream from all your favorite devices – via the web, iOS app, Android app, Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.

Convenience meets commitment with Physique 57!

Now are you ready to step up your exercise game? Explore our website, download the app, and let the revolutionary journey begin. Your 14-day free fitness pass is your key to a healthier, more vibrant you.

Be Part of Physique 57’s Feel Good Community

Step into the exclusive members-only community, where Physique 57 trainers’ expertise meets the warmth of a welcoming fitness family. Our trainers are more than just your instructors; they are your guides on this life-changing adventure.

They ensure that every exercise is not only productive but also entertaining, whether you are a fitness novice or a seasoned enthusiast.

Inclusivity and personalized support are two of the most important values in our community. We are committed to ensuring that you have a wonderful time while performing the workouts correctly, regardless of your fitness level.

Unlike other workouts, our trainers are standing by to answer your questions, providing a unique and supportive environment. We’re not just here to teach; we’re also here to interact, encourage, and make everyone feel like they belong.

At Physique 57, you can connect with like-minded individuals who, like you, are navigating their fitness path.

But Physique 57 isn’t just about the workouts, it’s about a shared commitment to well-being, where every member is embraced and supported. Our camaraderie is second to none.

We’re a community dedicated to ensuring that everyone, regardless of fitness level, has a good time on their journey to a healthier, happier self.

Are you ready to experience fitness in a whole new light? Share your successes, seek advice, stay accountable, and be part of a community that thrives on positive energy.

Recommended Barre Programs

Now that you’ve dipped your toes into the world of Physique 57’s barre workouts, let’s talk about programs!

If you’re new to barre and looking to receive an overview of the exercises and method, we recommend starting with our Absolute Beginner Series.

It’s the perfect introduction, guiding you through the basics with a dash of encouragement!

And for those juggling a busy schedule, we got you! Check out our Bites of Bravery program, created to fit seamlessly into your daily routine without compromising on effectiveness.

Life’s already hectic, so your workouts don’t have to be!

All Physique 57 programs are a thoughtful blend of challenge and accessibility. But of course, these recommendations aren’t about fitting into a mold; they’re about discovering what works best for you.

So whether you’re a beginner or a pro, Physique 57 has a program for you—because your fitness journey should be as unique as you are.

Weekly Workout Routine

Your weekly workout routine is the heart of your fitness journey. It’s your personalized adventure, carefully crafted to keep things interesting and effective.

Your weekly training program is all about finding a rhythm that works best for your lifestyle. From sculpting sessions to energizing workouts, each day brings a new opportunity to challenge yourself and make progress.

And at Physique 57, we don’t believe in monotonous routines. We’re all about variety and results!

If having a weekly workout routine sounds like a plan, these weekly workout recommendations are for you!

Expertly programmed by the Physique 57 Training team, get ready for full-body, MAX results to cover all your fitness needs.

Plus, the Weekly Workout Routine is an absolute favorite by Physiquers around the world.

Here’s a sample week:

  1. Core: 15-Minute Cardio Core with Torrey
  2. Sculpt: Full Body with Morgan
  3. Power Sculpt: Break it Down with Spencer
  4. Power Sculpt Lab: Amped Up Arms with Julie
  5. Power Sculpt: Achieve Amazing Anywhere with Brooke

Save the Date: Live Classes

Mark your calendars because the ultimate barre experience is about to go live!

Physique 57’s live classes are more than just workouts—they’re dynamic, real-time experiences that bring the energy of the studio to wherever you are.

Why wait for the weekend when you can bring the studio vibes into your living room?

So come join us for a workout that’s productive and fun!

Enjoy complimentary live streamed workouts, exclusively for On Demand members, with direct access on your app.

Looking to stay accountable? You can add our live classes straight into your calendar to help make sure you don’t miss a beat.

The best part is that even when you can’t make the live classes, you will be able to access the recordings on replay to benefit from all the results from our NYC studio. And you can repeat classes you love as frequently as you like to build upon your efforts and track your progress.

Connect with our trainers and your fellow members, ask questions, and feel the energy of a community breaking a sweat together!

Your Comprehensive Wellness Destination

Having hundreds of workouts proven to deliver unparalleled results just a click away is key to achieving your fitness and health goals.

But a well-rounded wellness regime doesn’t stop there!

Physique 57 has many more resources that will help you look and feel your best.

Be sure to check out our Meal Plans. With easy-to-follow guidelines and delicious, nutrient-rich recipes, you have access to a vault of dietary wisdom.

As the saying goes, “abs are made in the kitchen and uncovered in the gym.”

And we all have days when we need to wind down and relieve stress.

We have an entire section of Recovery videos that will help soothe your mind, release your muscles, and improve your sleep.

Our recovery videos fit your needs so you can indulge with purpose. We have options that range from 5 to 30 minutes, focus on specific parts of your body, and even include rollers and bands to deepen your release.

Last but not least, Physique 57 offers 10 workout formats that cover all your fitness needs. You can safely and effectively tick the boxes for all your cardio, strength, core, and flexibility needs.

With Physique 57, you can cancel your other subscriptions with confidence knowing this is your one-stop shop for 360 wellness.

Kickstart Your Fitness With a 14-day Free Workout Pass

Begin your 14 days of pure transformation with Physique 57 — where dynamic barre workouts meet passion, strength, grace, and a whole lot of fun!

Embrace the power of barre, the support of our community, and our tailored programs, all designed to unleash your healthiest, most vibrant, confident, and best self.

But remember that fitness isn’t a destination, it’s a lifelong adventure. And Physique 57 is here for you every step of the way!

Visit and download our app to enjoy hundreds of barre videos and so much more, anytime, anywhere.