You probably hear the word “self-care” everywhere these days. You know it’s essential, but what does it really mean? Put simply, self-care is setting aside time to care for yourself — mind, body, and spirit — in whatever form that takes for you. This looks different for everyone — it could be a Physique 57 class, reading a book, a bubble bath or watching your favorite reality TV show! The most important thing is that you do what brings YOU joy and relaxation.
When you take this time for yourself, you are better able to show up for those around you as your best self. It’s the opposite of selfishness. It’s an act of love for yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
To celebrate self-care, we asked some of the Physique 57 team to share what self-care means to them personally. We hope their answers inspire you to take some time for yourself today!
Self-care to me means cultivating peace in my physical and emotional space. Often that manifests as organizing my room, taking a warm Epsom salt bath, and watching a comfort movie (Crazy Rich Asians is often a go-to!).
—Jennifer Arfsten, Studio Manager
“Self-care for me means that I am taking the time to take care of my mental and emotional health just as much as my physical health and not feel bad about it! Doing simple things like getting a manicure, massage, or sitting in a quiet park are things that I really enjoy doing and make me feel so good afterward.”
Erin Livingston, Master Trainer & Content and Communication Associate
“Self-care to me means carving time out of my day to ensure that I eat and sleep enough. I also make sure I spend some time during the day watching mindless television like Housewives or 90-Day Fiancé to turn my brain off for a bit!”
— Taylor Wenzl, Trainer
“Self-care is an act of self-love and self-love is a VERB. We can show love to ourselves in a number of ways:
1. Feeding our bodies nourishing, nutritious foods
2. Saying no to things, places, or people we are not in alignment with…having boundaries
3. Taking a cleansing, soothing, healing bath
4. Sitting with self and having a cup of tea quietly for 5-10 minutes
5. Splurging on healing treatments such as acupuncture, massage, therapy, spa treatments, energy work. etc.
6. Setting aside time for and committing to daily exercise, physical activity, and FUN enjoyable play time — whatever that may look like for you
7. Reading and learning new things”
— Kameica Reid, Trainer
“Self-care to me means carving out time to attend to my body, mind, and spiritual needs so that I can show up fully present in the world around me.”
— Cassie Tumasz, Trainer
“Self-care, to me, is honoring your needs unapologetically.”
— Kristanne Thompson, Client Services Team
“Taking 10 minutes BY MYSELF in the morning: no hubby, no baby…to do absolutely nothing (except maybe coffee) before tackling a busy day.”
— Courtney Tilford Uyar, Senior Trainer
“Self-care to me means taking the time to recharge yourself so you can go back into the world with power, motivation, and above all, kindness.”
— Kerrie Schroeder Melissaratos, Master Trainer
What does self-care mean to YOU? We want to hear! Share with on Instagram @Physique57.