Fitness for All: How to Find the Right Workout with an Injury

When it comes to staying active with an existing injury, one question often looms large in our minds: “How can I find the right workout with an existing injury?” 

This question is especially relevant today, as many people are turning to barre workouts for their low-impact nature and their unique blend of strength training, cardio, and Pilates.

There are some exercises that are safer than others when it comes to working out while recovering from an injury, and barre is one of them. 

In this piece, let’s explore the world of fitness through the lens of injury-conscious exercise. We’ll also take a closer look at barre workouts and more specifically, the dynamic approach of Physique 57 in working out and getting a stronger, healthier body, even with an injury!

By the end of this article, you’ll learn how to choose a workout that suits your injury and discover how Physique 57’s specialized barre program sets itself apart, prioritizing your health and recovery every step of the way. 

Understanding Your Injury

Before we dive in, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your injury. Think of this as the first step on your path to safe and effective exercise. 

First and foremost, you should consult with a healthcare professional who can provide insight into the nature and severity of your injury.

They can help you identify any specific restrictions or precautions you should take when working out.

Understanding your injury means knowing its limitations and potential for improvement. It’s about recognizing which movements or activities may worsen the problem and which ones can contribute to your healing. 

By having a solid grasp of your injury, you can make informed choices about the exercises that are right for you. 

Basics of Barre Workouts

Now, let’s take a look at barre workouts and why they’re gaining attention as a workout method that’s gentle on the body. 

Barre workouts originated from Lotte Berk, a German-born ballet dancer who developed the first barre workouts in 1959 when designing ballet-based, core stabilizing exercises to rehabilitate herself from an injury. If you have ever seen a physical therapist, you may notice that there is a lot of crossover between barre and physical therapy exercises. 

Barre combines elements of ballet-inspired movements, Pilates, yoga, and strength training, designed to balance your body and sculpt and tone your muscles.

And unlike the usual exercises, barre workouts are low-impact, which means they’re easier on your joints while still providing a challenging workout. 

In a typical barre class, you can expect a combination of movements that focus on balance, flexibility, and building lean muscle. These classes often incorporate the use of a ballet barre (hence the name) for support and assistance in various exercises.

One of the benefits of barre workouts is their adaptability. They can be modified to suit various fitness levels and can be really beneficial for those with injuries. 

The Physique 57 Approach to Barre Workouts

What makes Physique 57’s barre workouts different from others? Well, for starters, it caters to individuals with existing injuries.

Physique 57 has carved out its unique niche in the world of barre workouts by prioritizing inclusivity and safety.

Their program is designed to be accessible to all fitness levels and takes extra care to accommodate those with injuries or limitations. Physique 57 focuses on the person, not the pose.

One standout feature of Physique 57’s approach is its dedication to incorporating physical therapy and wellness into their classes. 

Their workouts are about getting fit and promoting injury recovery and prevention.

Plus, their instructors are trained to provide guidance and modifications tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you can do the movements effectively and safely.

They provide a fully personalized experience. Physique 57 trainers are dancers and movement professionals. With the most rigorous instructor training program in barre fitness, their trainers expertly guide you in adapting the exercises to honor your physicality and maximize your benefits.

Tips for a Safe and Effective Barre Workout

When working out with an injury, it’s important to keep these tips in mind to make your experience safe and effective.

  1. Warm-Up and Cool Down

Always start with a gentle warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for action. After your workout, take time to cool down and stretch to maintain flexibility and relieve muscle tension. 

You can try Physique 57’s Restorative Full Body Stretch for the perfect start or finish to your workout. 

  1. Ensure Proper Form and Alignment

Pay close attention to your instructor’s cues for the proper form and alignment. Good posture not only makes your exercises more effective but also reduces the risk of more injury. 

You can check out our Focus on Form series to refine your form and maximize your results.

  1. Core Strength for the Win

Finding a workout that builds deep core strength, like barre, is vital when working with an injury. When your abs are effectively engaged, not only will your posture improve, you’ll also be lighter on your feet and move with more control.

Barre is a functional workout, and your improved core strength will serve you in all your daily activities.

  1. Choose the Right Class Level

Barre classes usually offer different levels, from beginner to advanced. Always start with a level that matches your current fitness and injury status, and progress gradually as you gain strength and confidence. 

Try our Absolute Beginner Series if you’re starting out or you can experience the intensity of Power Sculpt: Fierce 57 if you’re looking for a more progressive workout.

Keep in mind that even if you’re very athletic, if you’re new to barre, it’s important to start from the beginning. While the exercises may be more simplistic and slower-paced in a beginner-level barre workout, you will still get an excellent workout and may feel muscles you never felt before..

And don’t worry, all of Physique 57’s workouts are low-impact so they’re easy on your joints! 

  1. Listen to Your Body

Barre is all about body awareness. It’s important that you’re attuned to how your body feels during the workout. If a particular move causes discomfort or pain, don’t push through it. 

Instead, chat with your instructor about possible modifications.

And don’t sweat if you’re not near a studio! Physique 57 On Demand offers hundreds of super safe and effective workouts that you can do anytime, anywhere. Their trainers offer variations to adapt the exercises for your physique. So listen up for options and focus on your body getting stronger and healthier.

  1. Consistency and Gradual Progression

Consistency is key, especially in fitness. You should slowly increase the frequency and intensity of your barre workouts as your injury allows.

Avoid the temptation to overexert yourself too quickly to avoid exacerbating your injury. The beauty of barre workouts is that you can also start by making your movements very small, and then build up your range of motion over time which will also increase the efficacy.

If you’re looking to build a routine, our Weekly Workout Routine is definitely worth checking out. 

  1. Rest and Recovery

Your body deserves some downtime between workouts. It’s during these moments of rest that your muscles get the chance to repair and grow stronger. Make sure to also prioritize sleep and include rest days into your fitness regimen.

Include our Stretch for Relief full-body stretch sequence in your workout routine to help you relax, increase your range of motion, decrease stress, and leave you with an overall sense of well-being.

You can try Physique 57’s dynamic approach to barre workouts for free for 14 days at our On Demand platform! 

Injury-Friendly Workouts: Embracing Physique 57’s Barre 

Finding the right workout routine even with an injury is possible and crucial for your health and well-being. 

Barre workouts, especially those offered by Physique 57, provide a gentle yet effective way to improve strength, flexibility, and balance, helping you get back up on your feet. 

But remember, it’s important to listen to your body, set achievable goals, and progress at your own pace. 

After all, your body, even with injury, is capable of remarkable achievements. 

Visit to learn more about our feel-good movement. Find a studio near you or enjoy all the benefits at home with Physique 57 On Demand.