How To Set Wellness Goals For Success — And Achieve Them!

So often in the fitness and wellness world, we hear about going after your goals, but we don’t often talk about how to set them. The way you go about setting your goals makes a major impact in how likely you are to achieve them.

When you create a goal — whether it’s to get stronger, feel more confident, be more consistent in your workouts, nourish yourself with healthy foods, or whatever it may be — you’re making a promise to yourself. That commitment is incredibly powerful! 

We’re sharing our best tangible and science-backed tips on how to set yourself up for success with your fitness and wellness goals. 

Start small & specific 

It may be tempting to set a goal like, “I want to work out more” or “I want to get leaner.” While we usually encourage you to think big, in this case, we want you to start small. Research shows that when your goals are specific, tailored, and set in shorter time periods, you are more likely to achieve them ¹. 

For example, start with a goal like: “I will do two Physique 57 classes this week.” When you rock two classes consistently, you can increase your goal to three and then four classes per week. Also, don’t overwhelm yourself with too many goals at once. Start with 1 to 3 challenging yet attainable weekly goals. As you achieve these goals, you will build confidence and be even more motivated to keep up your momentum!

Put pen to paper

Thinking about your wellness and fitness goals is just step one. Your next step is writing them down, and this one is so powerful! When you put your intentions down on paper, you are making a commitment to yourself. Writing them out will help you get clear on exactly what you want to accomplish, and you’ll be able to visualize yourself achieving it. 

Research shows that people were 42 percent more likely to accomplish their goals when they wrote them down ². So grab your journal and get writing! We suggest having a special journal dedicated to your wellness journey. Set aside time on the weekends to write out your weekly intentions. 

Use positive language 

When you jot down your wellness goals, instead of writing, “I want to meal prep every Sunday,” instead write, “I WILL meal prep every Sunday.” It’s a small shift, but makes a big difference in your mindset. If you believe it and put it out there, it WILL happen!

Get clear on your why 

Even more important than what your goal is is WHY you want to achieve it. For example, if your goal is to work out consistently every day, reflect on why this is important in your life. Does working out give you more energy to tackle your day? Does it give you more confidence and self-love? Does it keep you healthy to care for your family? Does it support your mental health? Journal on the why behind your goal, and don’t be afraid to dig deep here. 

At times when you feel discouraged or you may not feel like sticking it out, you can always come back to your why for motivation. 

Make a plan 

Now that you feel clear and confident on the what and why of your wellness goals, it’s time to think about how you’re going to make them happen. Look at your 1 to 3 weekly goals and make a specific action plan for how they will fit into your schedule. 

For example, if your goal is to prep healthy meals in advance, block out time in your calendar to grocery shop and meal prep. Think ahead about how you can make this simpler and more fun — can you order groceries in advance? Can you invite a friend over to meal prep with you? If your goal is to take a certain number of Physique 57 classes per week, book your classes in advance, put them in your calendar, and even lay out your workout clothes. The more you plan ahead, the more likely you’ll be to follow through!

Find someone to hold you accountable 

Accountability partners are everything! Share your goals with a friend, family member, or someone in the Physique 57 community, and ask them to gently hold you accountable. You can start a group text chain with your accountability buddies to check in on each other. Remember, the Physique 57 family is filled with supportive and loving friends who are here to cheer you on! Join us in the studio or On Demand to work out with us!

